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Why do I love burpees?

Photo du rédacteur: Pritam SINGHPritam SINGH

Burpees are, I believe, the most useful and complete exercise that you can do during a conditioning training.


Simply because, it trains everything whether it is your legs muscles, core muscles or upper body muscles!

Your whole body is on fire and asking for more of it thanks to burpees.

Personally, when I train I always start with some cardio but as I do not always have access to cardio equipment or time to run, I do BURPEES, it wakes up your whole organism and makes sure that you are ready for other exercises.

It's a perfect way to start your training but also to spice it up within your circuit training.

In every training, you need to chock your body, to surprise it, with all the different variations of burpees or burpees circuits, which I will present in another posts, you will always be able to do so with this exercise.

I guess we could say if I had to choose one exercise to do in every training, either legs or upper body... I would choose Burpees.

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